Gender differences in cost-related unmet healthcare needs: a national study in Turkiye | BMC Public Health
This pioneering study is the first to analyze gender differences in cost-related unmet healthcare needs within a representative sample of...
This pioneering study is the first to analyze gender differences in cost-related unmet healthcare needs within a representative sample of...
Alyse Bradley has done the maths. The cost of living with multiple chronic health conditions has left her at least...
In the mid-1990s, up to 40 percent of menopausal women in America were prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT), many of...
Women live longer than men but experience more years in poor health, according to a global gender health gap analysis...
Healthcare serves women less well than men. Women live more of their life in poor health than men and they...
Ask any guy, and he'll tell you that men are the stronger sex. His reasoning is obvious: in general, men...
Healthcare serves women less well than men. Women live more of their life in poor health than men and they...
A wage gap still exists between men and women in the healthcare workforce (as well as the workforce at large). According...
The gender health gap affects everyone: our families, communities, workplaces, societies. Yet around the world, millions of women at all...